Free Unit

the Ease of Lesson Planning Like Never Before!

Grab 16 activities that are EASY to implement in your 2nd or 3rd grade classroom.

There are
FOUR Activities
For EACH Influential Leader:
~Rosa Parks
~Jackie Robinson ~Kamala Harris
~George Washington Carver.

I have provided everything you will need to make teaching during the month of February as easy as possible. I have included a link to a video for each influential leader.

For Rosa Parks, students will work on positive character traits and a report pennant that will look great in the hall.

The George Washington Carver and Kamala Harris sections have multiple ELA activities and each has a flip book to learn about many of their accomplishments. I have also included answer keys to guide you along.

The Jackie Robinson section has a text feature page which is excellent for incorporating ELA standards with Social Studies! There is also a cloze passage and a second report pennant that is perfect for centers or small group reading. I love having the students read as many non-fiction books as possible to complete their reports.

There are several additional activities including Compare and Contrasting multiple influential leaders. You will be THRILLED with the download and will want to come back for more!

Black History Unit

Perfect to Leave for a Substitute!

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